Climate Coalition
POWER works for racial and economic justice on a livable planet. POWER organizes voters to end environmental racism and profit-making off the dirty fossil fuels that hurt our health, our finances, and our children’s future. POWER connects people and builds power to ensure that all people in our state, especially Black, Brown, immigrant and working people, can have life-sustaining homes and energy at rates we can afford, with protection for the workforce and for our health.
By building a climate justice movement, rooted in faith, we create a world where all can thrive. Learn More
POWER stands for People and the Planet rather than unchecked profit that damages human communities and our earth. We lead our part of the Great Turning away from fossil fuel, pollution, and carbon as we build a solidarity economy that works for all.
We fight against environmental racism and dirty energy and for healthy green jobs and renewable, affordable energy.
Black, Brown, White, rich, poor, or in-between, all of us need clean air, water, energy and a stable earth. That’s why we’re building a powerful movement to ensure climate justice.
POWER is heartbroken, we are outraged: we’re not going to stand for politicians and bosses making money for themselves while burdening all the rest of us with an overheating planet, environmental collapse and extreme weather such as floods, hurricanes, storms, and earthquakes that hurt the least advantaged among us the most.
We face the disastrous juncture of extreme inequality and climate crisis. We are also blessed to be in a moment of dramatic potential for transformation.
Click here for more information on the People’s Energy Plan for PECO.
POWER lifts up the moral message that solutions have to work for everyone, for the common good, not just for a privileged few, with faith as our unifying language.
We unite people across lines of difference refusing to be divided by race, class or geography. We build power in the streets and in the voting booth through relational organizing — “each one reach one.”
Contact our Climate Justice Team about opportunities for you and your community!
Philadelphia & Surrounding Areas
People’s Energy Plan – We insist that the enormously powerful Public Utility Commission (PUC) regulate utilities to protect our communities. The five commissioners must stand for people and the planet, and move speedily away from dirty energy. The People’s Testimony:
PGW Just Transition – Along with our allies, we are organizing to transform Philadelphia Gas Works into a utility that provides heating and cooling without the use of fossil fuels, at rates that everyone can afford, in ways that improve health and safety, and with policies that protect and create good union jobs.
Philadelphia Gas Commission- Philadelphia Gas Commission is trying to ban the public from asking questions in their budget process. Join us in signing our petition to ensure the Philadelphia Gas Commission doesn’t shut us out!
Whole Home Repairs – POWER builds campaigns for affordable, safe homes and affordable, safe energy. We work to win funding for public investment in low and moderate income home repair through programs such as Whole Home Repairs. These programs for renters and owners help people with weatherization and affordable, renewable energy. They can lower energy bills, create local green jobs and stabilize neighborhoods against gentrification. POWER also monitors the way public money reaches our communities. We push to make these programs more accessible, transparent, accountable and linked one to another. For more information, click here.
Why We Need RGGI: POWER and partners across the state work hard to have our state join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI.) RGGI will charge a fee for many corporate carbon polluters and cap the amount of carbon emissions allowed. Income from RGGI will support green jobs and better health. For more information, click here.
POWER Interfaith is a 501c(3) non-profit organization. We are non-partisan and not aligned explicitly or implicitly with any candidate or party. We do not endorse or support candidates for office. All contributions are tax-deductible.
Join the Climate Justice & Jobs Team
Please check the POWER calendar for monthly Climate Justice and Jobs team meetings for further information.
When you are interested in joining the work, we’ll arrange some one-on-one sessions with you to learn more about your interests, about how you want to grow and about your vision. We’ll also orient you to the campaigns and help you engage whether it is as a leader, a funder, or a partnering organization. And we are a learning community so there is constant training in organizing, in dismantling racism and in policy possibilities that meet people’s needs.
All are welcome — everyone brings our own life experience and questions to further the work and we need everyone.
You are invited to co-create this justice journey towards a better world.
I Work for Climate Justice Because...
I Work for Climate Justice Because...
“I work for climate justice to be part of the moral voice of the earth sustaining a web of connection that includes all people and all places.”

Julie Greenberg
“I work for climate justice to protect humanity and Mother Earth because that’s what gives life. To sustain life on earth we must have climate justice!”

Russell Hicks
“I work for climate justice because our environment is a shared resource that knows no boundaries and connects us all together.”

Nora Elmarzouky
“I work for Climate Justice because at first I knew about it but didn’t think I could do anything about it being just one person. Then I heard about POWER.”

Jamir Hubbard
“I work for climate justice because I want my grandchildren to grow up in a world where everyone can drink clean water and breathe clean air.”

Wendy Greenspan
“I work for climate justice because I want to see good jobs in renewable energy for my community.”

Anthony Clarke
“I work for climate justice because I am tired of watching my people being hurt by climate crisis and and watching the people talking and getting the positive impact of green solutions not looking like me.”