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Public Education Under Threat: Oppose Vouchers, Support HB2370

The member congregations of POWER Interfaith urge Pennsylvania’s elected officials to prioritize public education by rejecting school voucher programs and supporting HB2370, which proposes a historic $1.1 billion investment in public schools.

Our Concerns:

  • Vouchers divert resources from public schools, further straining a system already underfunded.
  • This disproportionately harms students from low-income families and communities of color.
  • Wealthy individuals with questionable funding methods promote voucher programs that weaken public education.

The Path Forward:

  • Governor Shapiro’s proposed funding increase will close the funding gap, create a level playing field for all students, and invest in critical areas.
  • Public schools are the cornerstone of a strong democracy and empower all children.

Call to Action:

  • Reject school voucher schemes.
  • Support HB2370.
  • Invest in our public schools for a brighter future for all Pennsylvania children.

Read the full letter here.