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POWER Interfaith is a 501c(3) non-profit organization. We are non-partisan and not aligned explicitly or implicitly with any candidate or party. We do not endorse or support candidates for office. All contributions are tax-deductible. 

Become an Education Advocate

We are a diverse team of dedicated people representing POWER congregations in Eastern and Central Pennsylvania who are passionate about the importance of quality public education for all children regardless of race, culture or economic status.

What inspires you about education?

What inspires you about education justice?

“The segregation in our schools and lack of resources for children of color in our state continue to prevent the equal education promised by Brown vs. Board of Education sixty-seven years ago. We need to do better than this!”

Beth Logue

Beth Logue

Education Justice Team Co-Chair

“I worked with curious, eager children as a volunteer in a Philadelphia public school kindergarten. They had a deep desire to learn but conditions were tragically far from what they needed to succeed. Full, fair funding would go a long way to help them.”

Betsy Connor

Betsy Connor

Education Justice Team Member

“Our children matter! They are entitled to a quality education, which will open the door to unlimited possibilities for them.”

Rev. Eric Goode

Rev. Eric Goode

Community Leader

“We are the village it takes to raise children. We are all responsible. Our hopes for a better tomorrow are linked with them.”

Nick Sanders

Nick Sanders

Education Justice Team Member

“It feels very core for me both as a parent and grandparent and as a reflection of my background in early childhood education and the moral values of my faith.”

Andrea Moselle

Andrea Moselle

Education Justice Team Member

“I continue to show up in support of equity in resources for our state’s children because some are my grandchildren, some are children and grandchildren of students I taught in my career in Philadelphia public schools, and some live on my block right now. Their world is my world.”

Barbara Dowdall

Barbara Dowdall

Education Justice Team Member